Hosting With Benefits

Free yourself from the burden of website management.

Indulge in a truly pleasant experience as your platform does all the heavy lifting for you.

Integrated Site Speed

Ninja Head Speaks
Make your site speed amazing by letting your server manage all the adjustments and tweaks.

Getting your site to run fast and smooth is handled for you automatically during your site's final setup phase. This automated process integrates your website into the underlying server's operating system, thereby eliminating the need for WordPress to compile any speed related plugins to achieve the same result.

Your WordPress site requires NO PLUGINS to help it run efficiently and deliver pages fast. The integrated systems design of your hosting environment performs all of the page tweaks and caching on the back-end. Now WordPress isn't slowed down trying to compile several plugins prior to delivering your web page back to your audience's browser. When you eliminate plugins your site runs faster, and by leveraging the server's integrated Page Speed features, you get the benefit of two times the speed to your users.

The Site Speed features are enabled when your site is SSL enabled. This requires you to click the [Enable SSL] button in the SECURITY tab in your Site's settings in your Administrative Dashboard.

Even though Site Speed is automated, you still have access to all the settings Site Speed uses to enhance your site's performance. The Site Speed defaults are made available to you through each Site's Administrative Dashboard. It is here that you may tweak the defaults further and perhaps squeeze even more performance from your site. Full-text explanations outline what each option is responsible for, and what the expected outcome is. You may select and deselect as many options as you like and test to your heart’s content.

At a minimum, integrated Site Speed features handle:

  1. Caching
  2. Image size reduction
  3. JavaScript minification
  4. CSS minification
  5. Automated 'Above the Fold' CSS optimization
  6. HTML minification

Catalogued Backups

Ninja Head Speaks
Your server generates backups of both your files AND your database for you automatically.

Your site is backed up for you automatically without ever having to lift a finger. This totally automated process is built-in to every site that's hosted at Blue Axis Hosting. Once your site is setup in our environment, you NEVER have to worry about losing data. The automated Backup system makes a copy of your files AND your database, so you can rest easy knowing your environment has you covered.

The default setup performs backups once a day and retains each backup for at least 1 week. You may modify the backup schedule any time you like if you have a case where more frequent backups are necessary, or if you'd like to retain the backup longer than the default.

All the available backups are ideally organized and listed for you in your Administrative Dashboard. You may view the date and time the backup was performed, and have the choice of downloading or restoring any backup with the click of a button.

If something gets messed up on your site, or if you simply want to revert to an earlier version of your work, no worries, there is a backup!

Single-click Restoration

Ninja Head Speaks
The one-click restore process allows you to simply select the backup you want to restore, and click!

All your backup data is made super-easy to restore with the one-click restore process. Simply select the backup you want your site to utilize, chose whether you want just the files restored, the database restored, or both - and click! You’re done. That backup's data is immediately restored and your site now renders the data from that specific point in time.

Backups can be restored into your Production or Staging environment. With the integrated Staging domain as part of your Administrative Dashboard, you can restore a backup into your Staging setup prior to restoring it to Production. This way, you can fully vet or test the backup and be sure it is exactly the backup you want restored into your production setup before finally sharing it with the world.

You may go back and forth between backups as often as you like. Don’t like the backup you just restored? No worries, just select a different one and click again. After all, it is your data - use it how you want.

SFTP File Access

Ninja Head Speaks
Use your favorite file transfer application to gain direct access to your files and folders.

You have direct access to all the underlying files across all your sites within your server. File access is make available via SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) so all your files stay protected during transport.

You may use any third-party File Transfer Protocol program such as FileZilla (Windows), Core FTP (Windows), or Cyberduck (Mac OS) to access your files. The SFTP server address, username, and security key are all provided for you in the "Sared Access" tab in your Administrative Dashboard after you sign up.

You can also share access to your files by enabling "Shared Access". Inside your Administrative Dashboard you may easily assign security keys to developers, copywriters, or just about anyone else when you create private keys for users on your list. The private/public keys you generate limit access to only the files you want to give access to, so those users cannot view or modify files or directories they shouldn't.

When the Admin interface in WordPress is not enough to get everything done that you need, SFTP is there to ensure you have access to everything under the hood. Creating a Child Theme, for example, requires access to the underlying file structure. Blue Axis Hosting uses a Public/Private key exchange, giving your site even more security against unwanted access to your private data. Key exchange is a far superior method of identity validation than username/password logins.

Easy Site Migration

Ninja Head Speaks
Transfer your existing site to hosting nirvana with easy to follow instructions. The process is simple and painless.

We make it easy for you to transfer your existing site to hosting heaven. Easy to follow instructions are provided for you to help with that process, regardless of where you’re presently hosted.

Moving a WordPress site can be an overwhelming process - so much so that it can paralyze you from moving your site into a better hosting environment. There are too many blog posts sharing partial truths about how to make a migration happen, which often leaves you in a bit of a pickle when things don't happen exactly like the blog author thinks it should.

Blue Axis Hosting makes that process as simple as humanly possible by giving you step-by-step instructions for creating a transferable backup on your old system - regardless of where it's presently being hosted. Once the backup process is complete, all you need to do is upload that backup in the migration handler of your Administrative Dashboard, and the rest of the work is handled for you. Sit back, relax, and wait for the server to complete the process.

Simple, easy, painless.

Rock Solid Site Security

Ninja Head Speaks
Best-in-class security measures are always running on your server, where the rubber hits the road. We've got your back.

Website security is always better handled on the server than within the code of your website. WordPress security plugins are good, but server security is better. Your site is protected by the best-in-class security measures available and it all comes at no-cost to you. These features are built-in and ready to start protecting you from the onslaught of automated hacker bots and whatever else may try to gain access to your data and shut you down. We’ve got your back.

Simple Resource Management

Ninja Head Speaks
Stay with the "Basic" settings or go "Advanced". Either way, the interface is simple to use. Increase or decrease the amount of resources your server may need, and only pay for what you want.

The Administrative Dashboard was designed with ease and simplicity in mind. Even though there is a great deal of logic working behind each and every site, the interface used to manage that logic isn't overwhelming or confusing.

Blue Axis Hosting's Administrative Dashboard is simple to navigate and understand. Within your Dashboard, you can easily find what you're looking for, setup what you need, and/or ignore what you don't care to deal with.

You may access the most basic of settings or dive deep into the advanced features of the appliance all without the frustration of a poorly designed interface.

Convenient Database Access

Ninja Head Speaks
You have direct access to the database powering your WordPress site. It's your data, take control.

Whether you have many Sites or one Site hosted with Blue Axis Hosting, access to each of the databases working behind the scenes is made available from within your Administrative Dashboard. Each of your WordPress sites is allocated its own dedicated database and is only accessible by the site to which it is assigned.

Even though your databases are separated and protected across your Sites, you may easily connect to all your database implementations simultaneously. Simply click on the [Open Database] button from within the OVERVIEW tab in any of your Sites, and you'll be directed to the database access interface.

If you need to write SQL commands, review data, or anything else you could imagine, your entire database is there for you. It’s your data, you have complete control.

Complimentary SSL Certificates

Ninja Head Speaks
A safe site is a happy site. We also think your visitors will feel better knowing their comments and posts are secured.

A safe site is a happy site and in most cases, it is a site that's listed more often in search results. Search engine algorithms prefer sites with ssl certificates (see here), and we think your visitors will feel better knowing their comments or posts are secured.

Blue Axis Hosting offers two methods of securing your site; each of which is just as easy as the other. You have the option of uploading an existing set of certificates (private and public with a certificate chain) or you may simply use the complementary certificates provided by Blue Axis Hosting.

In cases where you wish to provide your own certificates, a third-party certificate authority will have given you the two certificates you need to upload to your Administrative Dashboard. Once the certificates are uploaded, your server handles all the rest of the configuration and setup for you and gets your site secured.

If you wish to use the complementary certificate provided by Blue Axis Hosting, all you need to do is click the [Build Certificate] button. It's that easy. No fuss, no muss.

Built-In Staging Environment

Ninja Head Speaks
See how things look BEFORE you present them to the world. Run your tests, make your changes, and when you’re ready to go, just click a button.

When you want to make changes to your website, you shouldn't have to publish those changes on your live website UNTIL you have fully tested those changes to be sure that they look and feel the way you want.

Every WordPress site comes with a built-in staging environment. It is here you may run all of your tests, add plugins, change colors, update text, and do whatever you want without the risk of breaking anything on your live website.

Blue Axis Hosting offers two methods of viewing your staging setup in the browser. You may either:

  1. Add a 'staging' CNAME record to your existing DNS settings
  2. Use the automatically generated sub-domain name within the domain.

If you chose option 1, your staging site will point to
If you chose option 2, your staging site will point to something like 'name-123' represents the name assigned to you when your staging environment is initially setup.

Your staging environment works just like your production environment. Staging backups are created for you automatically and you may restore any backup to staging - including any of your production backups. You may also tweak any and all of your Site Speed settings, and have full access to the underlying database.

Your staging environment gives you full control of everything you could possibly need.

Automated Resource Scaling

Ninja Head Speaks
When your website is getting an enormous amount of visitors, additional resources are there waiting for the opportunity shine.

Your website server is running behind a load balancer, which distributes network traffic across a number of servers. This relieves a single server from doing the brunt of the work, and enlists additional resources to increase the capacity and reliability of your website.

If your latest post or product launch is getting an enormous amount of visitors, a single server could have difficulty keeping up with the traffic. Our load balanced system improves the overall performance of your Site by spreading the burden of managing and maintaining your website traffic.

Websites aren't the only resource that can get hammered during high-traffic bursts. Databases may also be hit with a high volume of requests. Because of this, your database is also running behind a load balanced structure. If requests to the information feeding your websites has reached the database's capacity to quickly deliver a response, additional database resources are engaged to feed the required information back to your website servers.

Having your Site reside behind a load balanced and redundant system means that the additional bandwidth and server resources are there waiting for you. If you site is getting hammered, it WILL NOT FAIL. Your site will continue moving along as if nothing out of the ordinary was going on at all.

Multiple Site Management

Ninja Head Speaks
The administrative dashboard gives you direct access to all your sites. Have as many as you want and keep things separate and organized.

Each hosting account may serve up to 30 Sites. That's 30 different domain names and Site setups including backup logic, restore features, Site Speed, and everything else that comes with a Blue Axis Hosting account.

Managing all those resources could be overwhelming, but with the help of the well designed Administrative Dashboard, overseeing all those resources is a snap. We are constantly working to improve the overall performance of the dashboard, and to enhance the user experience. We listen to each suggestion for improvement and implement suggestions for an enhanced user experience.

If you see a better way to handle any aspect of the Administrative Dashboard, let us know!